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Mats are manufactured with solution-dyed nylon fiber, which provides superior washfastness and lightfastness.

Twisted heat-set, 100% nylon resists crushing, traps dirt better and extends performance life.

100% Nitrile Rubber backing resists curling in all types of weather.

LUTRADUR™ substrate will not fray, reduces linting, is very heat resistant and creates a strong bond between rubber and carpet.

Heavy duty backed mats are an option for high traffic areas and are ideal where grocery carts, wheelchair, etc. are running over mats. 

Mat Program

Scraper Kitchen Mat

Scraper Mats-100% Nitrile rubber for superior grease and ...

Nylon Yarn Mat

High-twist, heat-set solution, dyed nylon yarn

Air Flex Kitchen Mat

Air Flex kitchen mat.  3x5.